The past few weeks have been pretty eventful for us because I FINALLY started school! My first day was on August 26th. The week before classes started I thought I would be proactive and get my first root canal (scary) done and out of the way. So, I wouldn't say I'm afraid of the dentist or anything, but I'm definitely afraid of any procedure...no matter how "routine" it may be. I did lots of googling and consulting with my future dentist and was able to calm my nerves before I went in. Everything went well until the last 15 minutes of the whole procedure. My dentist broke a file in one of the canals of my tooth and I had to go to an Endodontist for "emergency surgery" to try and remove the little stinkers. Long story short, I go back in in a week to (fingers crossed) finish my root canal. I've become a regular at Jamba Juice and may have done irreparable damage to my liver by consuming half a bottle of Ibuprofen in like 3 days...oops.
My first week of school has come to an end and I only have 63 weeks left, which doesn't sound so bad, right? I'm about to get reeeeaalll sappy here for a bit so feel free to scroll down if you're not in the mood for feelings because ready or not, here they come. As most of you know, I started off at Ole Miss freshmen year with the plan to go to med school. I made it through Bio 160 (still thanking baby Jesus for that) and finished out freshmen year still thinking I was on track to be Dr. Vera. Sophomore year I decided to show the world what a genius I was by taking organic chem, physics, and cal 2 AT THE SAME TIME. Needless to say, that was a failure, literally, I failed cal 2. I began to realize that I didn't like what route I was on and began doing some soul searching. I changed my major 5 times (or...6?) and went from med school to law school to grad school to nursing. I will admit, that once I began questioning what I wanted to do Addison mentioned nursing.....and I laughed and said no. I think a recurring theme in my life is that my family suggests I do something, I don't do it, I bump my head on the wall a lot, and then decide that what they suggested made a lot of sense. Whatever. So maybe I could of figured this out earlier, finished school, and be saving lives 24/7, but better late than never, right? I can 1389% say I wouldn't be where I am without the UNCONDITIONAL love and support I have from my friends and family. Every time I changed my mind about what I was doing with my life Addison made up a spread sheet of what I needed to do to get into school and what schools I should apply to. My parents would get me the books I needed to study for the LSAT and the GRE and be just as supportive as ever. Addison's parents would encourage me and never judged their driven son's indecisive girlfriend. They would all tell me that I would make a great doctor/lawyer/psychiatrist/psychologist. My friends dealt with the never-ending, "Maybe I'll move to Africa and work with elephants.", "Would you still be friends with me if I'm homeless?", Maybe I'll somehow get famous...". Seriously, thank y'all. I'll hook you up with free flu shots one day. I feel so great about the place I'm at today because I'm finally doing what I really think I'm meant to do. As cheesy as that sounds. I'm so excited for this next chapter of my life and will still need my incredible support system. You guys are awesome and incredible and phenomenal and every other positive word in the dictionary and as I'm writing this my heart is filling up with more and more love for each of y'all. Thank you so much, again.
I had my first panic attack on day 2 of classes. This is definitely an intensive program and it's going to take a little more effort than I thought to whip me into nursing student shape, but I'll make it. Addison is ALMOST done with one of the toughest classes he's had to take and is doing really well. I'm so proud of my precious husband. If anything makes me want to excel in nursing school it's being his other half. I mean, he can't be an awesome dentist with a mediocre wife. Sassy is living the life and by that I mean sleeping through life. She's figured out how to manipulate us both into giving her wet cat food all the time. You'd think not much goes through that little cat brain of hers other than where she's going to nap next, but home girl knows what's up. I think she's managed to get three bowls of it in one day....more times than I'd like to admit.
We've managed to get to know our area pretty well thanks to some of Addison's classmates planning some pretty awesome study breaks. We went to a driving range in Scottsdale a few weeks ago and had so much fun. Last night we went to Tempe and went out on Mill Ave where ASU is. It was so much fun I (FOR A SECOND) thought about how much fun it would of been to have gone to ASU for undergrad. I then repeated the hotty toddy chant 35 times for my transgressions so all is well. Speaking of Ole Miss, how about them rebels? A win is always the best way to start off a season. We've been missing Oxford and Ole Miss a lot lately. I can't promise I won't sob when I watch our first home game from 1,465 miles away. Here's to many more W's for the Rebs!
Sassy being so sweet and helping me study!!
My first day of class!!!
We miss y'all all so much and love you dearly!!!!! Hope y'all's Labor Day is filled with relaxation and yummy food!
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