Friday, March 28, 2014

Engagement Sesion

We have literally been trying to get these pictures done for weeks. If it's not our work schedules its the weather getting in the way (WHERE IS THE SUNSHINE, IT'S ALMOST APRIL), but FINALLY we were able to get together with a great local photographer, Brian Flint, for our session yesterday.

I spent so much time searching through Pinterest for engagement photo ideas that weren't over the top and looked like something Addison and I would actually do....I came up with like 6 ideas. We knew we wanted to take pictures on campus, the square and a secret location that meant a lot to Addison. Brian was great and had lots of ideas for us....since we pretty much showed up empty-handed. It was so much fun! I really liked parading around town with my super handsome date. Oxford is gorgeous and so is Ole Miss...I mean we win most beautiful campus every year, right? Our pictures had perfect backgrounds that mean so much to us making them that much more special.

Brian got our pictures back to us in a record-setting 24 hours! (Seriously...check him out!!)  So I'm leaving y'all with a few of our favorites.

All invitations have been sent out (!!!!) so keep an eye on your mailboxes! I hope y'all like the invitations as much as we do....we brainstormed and made them ourselves with a little help from Mrs. Kay at Realizations and Caitlin at The Lettered Life Shop. We're officially 6 weeks away from THE BEST DAY EVER. I just got chills writing that.... I can't wait!!!


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Heading West

Hello sweet friends!

Addison and I recently got back from Phoenix with his parents. We went to find a place for us to live in..........and we did!! We found a great house with plenty of room for the two of us, Sassy, and hopefully a new addition. Well, make that additionS. I'm hoping for another 12 cats and maybe 7 puppies. Kidding, but we are giving the idea of another furry friend a little more thought than before because our future house has a great backyard. I think we all pictured a precious little pup running around back there when we checked the place out. We're still waiting to hear if the Dents' offer will go through so keep your fingers and toes crossed.

I've always dreamed of getting to play house with Addison and here we are.... with a place of our own! Now there's not only wedding pinteresting going on 24/7, but home decor pinteresting happening all day long.

The weather was absolutely phenomenal in Phoenix. I wore shorts everyday and loved every second of it. I went for a nice run outside one morning and could not get over how AMAZING it felt. Of course, I'm well aware that those perfect 75 degree days will turn into scorching 100 degree days in just a few weeks, but it's nice to know we'll have a few months of perfection before we all melt away.

It was a short trip, but it was a busy one. It was nice to get to spend a few days away with my main man getting to know our future city and hanging out with Addison's parents. I really enjoy spending time with that sweet pair.

Since we've gotten back I've been working and doing some more wedding planning. We're getting so close and I'm so excited!!!! I literally can not wait until May 10th. I hope y'all are just as anxious as we are because as eager as I am to marry this precious boy I'm ready to spend a weekend with all of y'all fabulous people!!

We didn't get any pictures while we were in Phoenix so I'm leaving you with these perfect cacti. I'm going to have them all over my house, I'm obsessed. We're taking our engagement pictures on Tuesday so here's to hoping I'll have a sneak peek for ya!


Friday, March 14, 2014

Playing Catch Up

Few things beat spending time with old friends, and even fewer beat being able to pick up right where you left off after years of not seeing a friend. That's how you know you've picked some special people to surround yourself with. After my bachelorette trip we made a pit stop in Ocean Springs to visit my fantastic parents. It was a short visit, but it was just what I needed. I treasure the time I get to spend with my parents so dearly and they were so eager to get to know my bridesmaids a little better.

We left Ocean Springs with our hearts and minds at ease. Mom and I got some much needed wedding planning done with Meg and Claire's help. After a few shopping stops in downtown Ocean Springs (hello Walter Anderson :) ) we made our way back to Oxford so that Stephanie could spend some quality time in God's country. On our first night, Oxford was lucky enough to be graced by Mississippi State's finest- Brooke Cannon. From the moment we re-united it felt like we had never been apart.

Brooke is a Bulldog, through and through. I remember when she told me she would never set foot in Oxford, but here she was taking the town by storm (and looking perfectly put-together while doing so). I shared the deliciousness that is Boure with them, and our night ended re-watching episodes of Laguna Beach. I should maybe tell you that my middle school and early high school years were fundamentally altered by these strangers I loved to watch on tv. I was obsessed, and so were Brooke and Stephanie. All-in-all the visit was way too short, and I'm trying to plan a trip to Starkville (I'll admit it-it hurt a little to write that ;) ) to spend some time with my sweet, genius, and beautiful friend.

Stephanie and I spent the rest of the week catching up and just relaxing in Oxford. Claire, Meg, Stephanie, and I went back to Boure to end her stay in Oxford, and had so much fun. There's seriously nothing better than watching your closest friend from way-back-when becoming friends with your present-day besties. I've said it before and I'll say it again....I'm not sure what I did to deserve these friends I have. I was sad to see my girl go, but it makes me THAT much more eager for May 10th.

The past week has made my heart so happy and has made me feel so lucky.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Last Fling Before the Ring.

Welcome to my own slice of the world wide web!

As most of my friends know in less than two months I'll be getting a long-awaited name change and moving west with my husband (!!!!!!) and our beloved cat (read: daughter).

I've decided to keep a blog to remember this exciting time in my life. My aim is to keep it up through our time in Phoenix so my sweet family and friends can get a taste of what we are up to all the time!

I've decided to start with my bachelorette trip! While I won't get too in detail with what we did because "what happens in seaside, stays in seaside",(Well...except for what we've told our moms...) I do want to mention what a blast I had thanks to some amazing friends. Addison went on his bachelor party with a few of his groomsmen the same weekend. He said that they enjoyed their time together, which doesn't surprise me at all. He's picked a really great group of fun and sweet guys that I love just as much as he does to stand by his side.

My maid-of-honor and dearest friend, Stephanie, was able to get away from her studies in Boston long enough to plan a spectacular weekend for us. The rest of my bridesmaids (except for fun Cathryn) were able to take a break from school and work thanks to spring break.

This was my first time going to Seaside and I am officially hooked. I couldn't get over how absolutely precious the town was, and how perfectly perfect everyone looked. Our days were filled with sunshine (Amen) and our nights included delicious food and tasty drinks (double Amen). I had to pinch myself several times when I looked around and saw my closest friends laughing and enjoying getting to know one another. I can't even begin to tell you how absolutely incredible my bridal party is. I had so much fun, and still laugh when I think of my favorite memories.

For everyone who follows me on twitter......sorry.
